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tv   Countdown to the Closing Bell  FOX Business  August 30, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm EDT

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suspicion of any action post iraq, and i appreciate that. on the other hand, it's important for us to recognize that when over a thousand people are killed, including hundreds of innocent children through the use of a weapon that 98 or 99% of humanity says should not be used, even in war, and there is no action, then we're sending a signal that that international norm doesn't mean much. that is a danger to our national security. obviously, if and when we make a decision to respond, there are a whole host of considerations i have to take into account too in
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terms of how effective it is and given the kinds of options that we're looking at that would be very limited and would not involve a long term commitment for a major operation. you know, we are confident that we can provide congress all input they need, mindful of that, and have meaningful conversations with our allies around the world about this, but ultimately, we don't want the world to be paralyzed, and frankly, you know, part of the challenge we end up with here is that a lot of people think something should be done, but nobodiments to do it. that's part of what allows, over time, the erosion of these
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international standards, and we mean it, and it would be tempting. >> more comments from president barack obama at the white house meeting with baltic leaders, a meeting that was on the president's schedule, but certainly developments today in international communities, and here at home. the president taking this opportunity to make more comments about the fact that secretary of state, john kerry, came out today hoping for more from the international community that thousands of people were killed, chemical attack in syria, the white house saying we have the evidence, but at this point, the white house also admitting that they are alone in all of this, but no one wants to do this alone, and the president says we are monitoring the comments, obviously, coming from the white house. let's go to the washington correspondent, rich edson, live at the white house. the president, i guess, as we listened to all the comments throughout the afternoon from the president and secretary tear of state, john kerry, there's
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more questions than answers here as to the timetable, rich. >> absolutely. the timetable, the specifics, and the goal they are looking to achieve, but what you heard from the administration today was a very strong case that in some way, the united states or the international community along with the united states must act. president obama saying he has not decided on a particular course of action yet. he says his military advisers have given him a range of options. he still is mulling them over, looking at them now, and john kerry laid out intelligence earlier today saying with a high level of confidence he believes the assad regime used chemical weapons and do so against his own people saying our national values compel us to act in this particular case, and the intelligence basically boiled down to the assad regime, according to the administration, murdered some 1400 of its own citizens, 400 of them children, because of chemical weapons, that chemical weapons advisers with the assad regime moved into
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that area three days before the august 21st attack, and on the august 21st attack, the assad regime soldiers wore gas masks. the missiles that carrieded the weapons, according to the administration, came from areas controlled by the regime and went to areas and bombed areas with these weapons that were not controlled by the assad regime, and they say the compelling evidence from social media after the attack showing people with the symptoms of a chemical attack, no other symptoms of any shrapnel or bullet wounds, and that, they say, is the case for american reaction, but we still don't know what that is yet. we have reactions from congress in this from house speaker john boehner's office saying if the president believes this information makes a military response imperative, it's his responsibility to explain to congress and the american people the objectives, strategies, and legal basis for any potential action. we, and the american people, look forward to more answers
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from the white house. last night, secretary of state, john kerry, and other security officials had a conference call with 20 folks from congress. the people on the call, congressional officials on the call, say in an hour and a half, secretary kerry failed to lay out specifics the administration was considering, so right now, it's still waiting on president obama to make his decision, which he's not yet done. cheryl? cheryl: rich edson live at the white house monitoring the comments from president barack obama, a busy day in washington. all of this has been affecting the markets. let's look at the major averages. in particular, the dow today. this is your intra-day chart. look at the activity and volatility that we have today. certainly, there's lower volume day into a holiday weekend, but all that we're seeing in washington affecting the markets, and when secretary of state, john kerry, made that statement at 1 p.m. eastern time, outlining the case, a strong case for u.s. military intervention in syria, the dow
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really began to tick down lower. now, the s&p and dow, actually they went a little bit higher, 114 p.m. eastern time as he was suggesting at that moment. you see all this on the charts on the screen that any u.s. military involvement would have only a limited time frame. let's bring in traders right now for their reaction on what they have been watching. we got lauren standing by on the floor of the new york stock exchange covering a lot of the defense stocks today, and gary is standing by at the cme group, and alan over at the imex. first to you, lauren, you looked at the big defense names, all of those stocks have been actively trading today. what are you seeing now? >> actively traded, down, cheryl, and what's amazing is the stock, an annual high back on monday when we were talking about syria still, it's done for the week. if you look at boeing, a member of the dow, that stock, believe it or not, is the third best performer on the dow in the month of august. it's done 1.2%, but that makes
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it the third best. this august, obviously, a very tough month. cheryl: august is a lower month. we'll talk about that with experts coming in later on in the show. gary, over to you at the cme, again, traders there, s&p futures, oil, gold, silver, copper, all of the groups have been heavily traded today, as you all there, in chicago, as the new york traders have as well, trying to get a sense of the direction of washington. how are you feeling as we wrap up the day now, gary? >> well, a couple things, before the day started, it's the end of the month, okay? we have a holiday weekend. you get selling activity, and the u.k. stated that, well, we're not getting involved in this right you. it's up to the u.s.. kerry comes on earlier, as you were saying, and, boy, did we see volatility in the markets. i don't think we're done with this. one of the areas, tuesday, we got to keep our eyes focused on
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energies, andcommodities, i'm looking for gold to retrace back up over 14. today was a bit of a selling off on it. i really don't think it's staying under the 14. i think it's taking off, especially with the tensions and the uneasiness going on about syria and who is going to join in on the party, so to speak. cheryl: rhetoric from washington heated up today, gary, as far as secretary of state john kerry and, certainly, the president as well. they are making the case, and whether they sell the case politically over the weekend, we don't know the answer to that. let's go to the imex, and here's something we have the answer on, allen, the crude contract, 10 107.80 #, after market trading right now. supply disruption issues. it's not been the wti that's been the reactor, but the brent contract, allen, and i wonder if we'll see a different story monday morning in europe when they are trading and we are not trading here in the united states. >> what i'm seeing now is a
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tug-o-war going on. there's an area of crude area looking at wti, should be priced at 98 # to $103 a barrel, and the wti brent spread at $3-$4 a barrel. you have reactionary news from the middle east and war premium they put into the oil, and that, to me, looks 109 to 114 for oil. we're in the area, and not a break out either way. cheryl: that's the question mark rear. there's two days down and oil, and, i guess, the urn certainty, and i hate that word over and over, but the uncertainty of what washington's goinged too. is that why oil closed at 107 and not at 1 # -- 110 or 112. personally, that makes more sense to me. >> right. what i say, fundamentally, it should be lower. if we're not going into syria or if it's a month off, crude oil is coming off. that's what we saw. when they started talking, oil
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came off. two numbers, 105.5 in crude, below that, down we go, above 109.50, above that, up we go. cheryl: all right. gentlemen, thank you, and, of course, thanks to lauren from the floor of the new york stock exchange. markets having quite a reaction to everything we are seeing from washington from the president and secretary of state. thank you very much. closing bell rings 50 minutes from now. switching gears. there's a lot of earnings, some not great, and we'll talk to the ceo of, well, you knows name, krispy kreme a tough time glazing over a difficult report. the donut maker's ceo is here over the hour talking about growth plans, extension plans, and is it an overreaction from the street? we'll address that for you. despite all the comem -- commentary today. we'll bring in two optimists
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about what stocks to buy if there's potential red flags ahead as well. we'll be right back. ♪ you know throughout history,
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folks have suffered from frequent heartburn. butetting heartburn and then treating day after day is a thing of the past. block the acid with prilosec otc, and don't get heartburn in the first place. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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>> our power mover of the hour is, shares trading at an all-time high today after a strong second quarter earnings report saying that demand for its software improved despite some analysts predicting the company sales would be slowing down. let's look at the stock now, up 12.5%. $49.10. one of the big stocks today moving. in the overall market, another day in the red, and check this out. the dow and s&p are on track for a negative month. the dow down more than 4%, and the s&p is about 3% lower. as the month in the road, we hate to show this to you, what are they saying about it? what are they buying? two bulls joining us now, asset management and senior strategist at ridgeworth investment. we need possivity. glads you are here on a day like today. as we look at all of the different sectors moving, not moving, i know you like
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technology, and i want to kick it off there. first of all, the tech sector should be divided in two parts. it's like gulf. there's a good part which is at a growth price, and in the future, we will see capital spending accelerate getting into 2014, and when you look at some of the stocks, what are you talking? microsoft, ibm, or even intel, apple, a group of stocks sell less than the stock market multiple. they are growing their earnings in the future, at least 50% faster than the s&p 500, and the yield is in the market, and as i look at the group, it's a group everybody talks about, but they are not committed to the group at all.
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cheryl: you're not excite about potential twitter ipo, but i have to say groupon's done well though. >> they have done well. they've all done well. i can't deny that. facebook has come from its low, close, you know, to its intra-day high on the new issue offering, but bottom line is these are the stocks that scared me back in 1999 when the multiples were 40, 50, 70 times earnings, and that's difficult for all of those companies to keep up to the growth rates projected. the reason i like what i call the big old tech stocks is they are very inexpensive with a huge cash flow, and when you look at the acquisitions, whether it's apple or ibm or some of the others, they are using their cash judiciously to breakthrough into a new my lip yum of technology.
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cheryl: fair enough. we can give that negative oftivity a little run. allen, to you, i want to talk about a couple things here, a run up in bond yields, is that where you put your money and making bets, especially for september and october? >> well, in the allocation strategies that i manage, i'm looking for an attractive entry point into reasonably valued assets with an improving backdrop. when you talk about bonds, i think the writing is on the wall. the federal reserve came out and said there is gradually removing their stimulus, and so then, really, in my way of thinking, we're released teffly short duration in the fixed income part of my allocation strategy ies cheryl: we know where we ended up in august, and
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a down month for the markets, and september, his historically, allen, is the worst month for stocks, and we may have bad news on the horizon. what's the one thing that they are most concerned about for the month of september? syria, the debt ceiling debate, the fed? what is it? >> wow, tougher call. well, of course, i worry about all the time. i'm not worried about the fed so much. i think either i'm looking -- i'm in the taper light camp for the fed. i don't think ben bernanke's going to do anything that's going to jeopardize what's going on here. i do worry about syria. it looks like the u.s. is getting kind of single minded about what it feels it needs to do, and the calculus in the middle east is complicated, and could see external events that could be disruptive, so i will be looking closely at earnings guidance as we go into here.
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the question is, do we get the reacceleration that is going to allow us to get the second half growth i think we'll get? cheryl: a lot of things on that list. not a lot of time, sir, but one thing, one thing for september that you are worried about? >> well, i'm worried about apple's announcement. the stock moved a hundred points from the bottom. there's talk about a lot of magic in what they announce, and i like apple. cheap, lot of cash, i mean, you know the whole positive story of it. i'm concerned they may disappoint, and, to me, that would somewhat blow up the case a little bit for technology and the cues which i like, the three q's, which apple is the biggest component of, but i am still long term optimistic. i think next year, profits are going to be double digit growth. we see so much capital in the bond market and in money market funds. that looks terrific. price earnings ratios in the sensible areas are very, very cheap, and the biggest point of all, psychologically, taking
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miewm behavior into account, people are not buying the fact this is a bull market. i think we still have three to four years to go in this bull market, and it'll be driven by economic growth outside of the united states. we have a long way to go before they catch up to where we are in the united states. cheryl chrl i wish i had more time because you just hit three points that are great, and emerging markets. you are bullish. i like it. again, people have got their shopping lists out, you two are the ones to listen to about it. ned riley, and allen gail, gentlemen, thank you very much. have a great holiday weekend. closing bell is going to ring. unfortunately, we have a down day on the market. closing bell's going to ring in p 538 -- 38 minutes from now. into the three-day weekend, what about an online review site that's a one-stop shop destination for everything you want to know from cars to cell phones. we'll talk to the founder of ten
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grade. ♪ [ male announcer ] imagine this cute blob is metamucil.
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and this pk is the inside of your body. see, the special psyllium fiber in metamucil actually gels. and that gelling hes to lower some cholesterol. metacil. 3 amazing benefits in 1 super fiber.
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cheryl: if you suffer from information overload online, here's a solution for you.
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a new one-stop rating tool for everything from cars in a restaurant to hotels and pizza, but how is it different from yelp, amazon, and other rating websites? explain the thought process behind the site? you wanted to be different and simpler than a yelp or amazon; right? >> that's true. thanks for having me. it's an ag agnostic platform, universal platform covering everything. ten grade, what we realize is that showing someone what the entire world thinks of a particular restaurant or car is interesting, but showing them what people like them think is more interesting and more important. in fact, in the survey we did, 76% of people surveyed said that they take recommendations or reviews from their friends much more seriously than they do from strangers online. cheryl: we have to let viewers know they log in via facebook or
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twitter so they connect to their own social community, and that to connect with their friends about what they think about. now, you're utilizing hash tags, for instance. >> we are. cheryl: talk about that thinking, if we go to the site, plug in new york city, i put in a hash tag, i can also put in asterisks. what was the thinking behind that? >> hash tags are the way of showing a topic on the internet. it was brought by twitter, and facebook six months ago. this is converted into a hash tag, simply for internet conformity. cheryl: okay. also, when you are going on the site, like, you're in the beta stages right now. >> we are. cheryl: you got quite -- you got a lot of interfaces, and 30,000 words and phrases? >> already 25,000 topics. cheryl: topics. >> a small number of users
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already propagated quite a bit stuff. if i can, the big point to close the loop on is on yelp or what have you, when you get a rating, you see what the world thinks, but on ten grade, you see what your friends on facebook think. cheryl: and you take the comments out on the phone: we do. cheryl: i 4 -- had an experience at a restaurant and here's five paragraphs. you don't have that. that's nice to see. you raised $700,000? >> we closed on the first financing of $700,000, for a tech startup, a big chunk of change. cheryl: reinvesting in the business? >> of course that's what we'll do, increase engineering resources, and as of, like, this beak, with this, you know, the television appearance, we tell the world it exists for the first time. cheryl: we are here for you, i guess. going forward, the toughest thing, even for facebook and twitter is monetizing, social
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media, analysts came on and said, i'm not buying forecast or any of it. how do you monetize that, convince investors that this is long term, it's going to be profitable. it's going to be successful. >> yeah. it's less scary than the user acquisition is. if we're able to get a big audience of people using ten grade, what we'll have that's different from the social media monitoring companies or from some of the other tools that scrape the internet or try to track your behavior to draw inferences about what you are interested in, the difference between us and them is that on ten grade, we get an explicit articulation of sentiment so if a user goes on ten grade and he decides the topic. if he says the national rock band, he gives it a nine. he gives it a nine. cheryl: no commentary with it. >> with natural language processing, they take comments
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on the internet, try to translate it into data. our information is data. cheryl: okay, all right. thank you very much. founder and chief operating officer of ten grade. thank you very much. >> my pleasure. thanks for having e me. cheryl: good luck with the launch. appreciate your time. >> okay. cheryl: 30 minutes to go, hedge fund billionaire in charge of sac capital is resignedded to a much diminished future in the financial world. charlie has exclusive details coming up next. also, krispy kreme stock takes a beating after a bad taste in investors mouth. when we come back. the ceo is here talking about what investors are looking for. ♪ [ male announcer how do you g your boce?
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i'm, like, totally not down with change. but i had to change to bounce dryer bars. one bar freshens more loads than these two bottles. i am so gonna tell everyone. [ male announcer ] how do you get your bounce? [ woman ] time for change!
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>> oil prices may be up over 2% for the month, but they fell today following secretary of state john kerry's comments on syria. let's go back to sandra smith in the pits of the cme for more. sandra? >> well, a couple percent monthly gain, cheryl, nothing to sneeze at because oil actually having the best month in over a year. today, not so much. we saw more than a dollar sell off right around $107 a barrel. now, as those concerns over a strike in syria ease heading into the long holiday weekend, traders are not willing to hold on to significant long positions that we did see selling ahead of that. we also watched the gold market which saw gains this week, and it fell 18 bucks today, back below $1400, and not only was the that the syria premium out
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of the precious metals market, but traders looking ahead to september and possibly a move by the fed. will that strengthen the dollar? the dollar was up today. that led to a lot of selloff in the commodities market, but nonetheless, guys, premiums came out of the markets, there's fear in the market place measured by the vix, that fear gauge, a few percent jump there in the vix. right now, at the highest level since june. heading into the weekend, some selling commodities, fear in the marketplace, and as we wrap up last trading day in august, your top performers? silver the number one performing commodity at the cme, up 20%, platinum up 7%, and gold up 6%. we did not just put precious metals there, but they were the best performers of all commodities so far this month. oil, not making the list, but brent crude would have been number four up 6% for the month. back to you. cheryl: all right, sandra smith,
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thank you, live from the cme. sac capital's founder, billionaire, steve cohen, is bracing for a different future in the financial industry trying to fight off government charges against his firm. we have exclusive details. >> well, i mean, i think it's -- he's in a point right now where he's come to the realization that it's going to be -- life is going to be different. this is what i get from people inside sac capital. they tell the fox business network that they expect all the outside money to be out by the end of the year. there's rolling redemption dates, basically, everybody is saying they want out. that's the outside money. they'll be managing, though, steve cohen's own net worth, something like $8 billion, plus his employee money, another billion, and they are managing that, and they are going to keep managing that, and what we understand, steve cohen is telling people that he's resigned to manage that as part of the family office. it's a story that we were here, broke here at the fox business network, first, a couple months
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ago with the notion is you manage your own money and nobody else's. it's your family's money. that's what cohep is telling people has to convert sac capital into. he's resigned, we understand, the word is "resign" to the fact that sac capital is a family. there's interesting tidbits amid all this. people at sac, including cohen, expect to retain major players, the portfolio managers are not bolting. why is that? explanation is this: they made a lot of money over the years from steve cohen. they feel very loyal to him, and they'll still keep earning money, managing his portfolio. i will tell you this, also, in terms of trading, their trading volume is down 20%, but that's not tremendously down. some is market related, there's not a lot of stuff going on,ville tillty with potential bombing in syria, and you start trading more. those external events drive
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markets volatility, but they are not scaling back massively yet main bay because the portfolio managers stay. it's interesting. sac capital is for all intensive purposes transitioning into becoming -- cheryl: how confident does he feel in this in that he's protected? >> well, i think he -- i don't know. to be honest with you. i think when you hear stuff like this, where, you know, some guy that was very defiant, wanted to manage money, that's what he said, the family office was something that was just waning, moving in that direction, he knows that what is going on with the government is serious. there's no outside money with them. none. i mean, it'll be out by the end of the year. he'll have to manage his own fund. he'll have to fight charges that the fund will be -- is being indicted, denied the charges, and feds, if they win, the u.s.
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attorney for the southern district, a good record at this stuff, they demand a chunk of change, and that could be in the billions, so some of the that money he holds will be taken out, and then there's his own thing where he will be charged for failure to supervise, vowed to fight, and there, thrown out of the industry, which that's the charge they'll seek, a bar, he'll be able to manage his own money. then there's always the question, though, i tell you, this is looming, does he still get indicted? cheryl: feel safe? i mean, how good are the attorneys? >> his attorneys are the best. he's got a guy name ted wells, an attorney doing amazing work in the white collar field in the past. he told one perp i know that that is the main goal, not to be indicted. that's the binge thing right now. that depends on do they find additional witnesses? does the indicted portfolio manager flip, you know, his
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trial is coming pup. cheryl: haze not yet, though. >> has not yet. they superseded an indictment, and what they added on was the penalty of forfeiture. that means, you know, he made most of the net worth probably from the $9 million earned from the wyatt trade under investigation, which they think is done on insider information. they'll demand it. maybe all of that back. they could really go after matthew in a way if he doesn't cooperate that could really hurt him and family going to jail, which if he gets cilgted on all charges, he could go to jail for more than ten years. cheryl: you are so strong on the story. thank you very much. >> okay. cheryl: 19 minutes to go. it's been a tough month for investors, but it's not all gloom in the market. there's winners. we'll tell you what companies make the list, have made the list, and there's this, who
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doesn't love a good donut? krispy kreme's ceo, james morgan, will be here to sweeten investors who lately are frustrated with the earnings report. you okay over there? disappointed in the earnings report? you're cool? just going for the donut, buddy. awesome. ♪
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♪ liz: well, shares of crispy cream are tanking after a disappointing quarterly, something for investors to hunger for. one analyst as saying it is an emotional reaction. what are investors missing? let's bring in the chairman and ceo and president of the
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company. great to have you here. there really is the question. when analysts are telling us, all an emotional reaction and that the stock is being unfairly punished. what are we missing? >> well, cheryl, i am probably not the most objective persons you ask that question too, but i do think they're missing the mark. i would tell you that in many ways i think -- in many positive ways this might have been the most significant reporter we have recorded since i came to the krispy kreme. we miss the consensus earnings by about a penny, and yet there were some unusual items in there that would have chase that comparison. we feel pretty good. 10% same-store sales, i think as private flows to industry leading. a lot of momentum and quite frankly a lot less to do. cheryl: one of the things you have been doing is changing the mix of the stores, and now you're having some stores word is more about coffee and smoothies. i'm wondering if you are starting to potentially gravitate toward that model? because really the coffee
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business has become so successful for them. you know, the dow months -- bats are almost secondary. is that something you are toying with? >> it is really not. number one, they have done a great job at that model, and i admire them greatly. we are going to intentionally keep the done that as king. right now of beverage and down that makes his upper 80 persons donuts in the ballast of 13% as beverage. we're just trying to make our beverage a little bit bigger part of the guests we already have coming in. the new coffee line having the chillers and espressos. so we see it as a complement, but not the major thrust. cheryl: we should also say the stock is down today, more than 200 percent over the last year. one day versus one year. you know, i remember very well when you went back public back -n 2000 and the stock was about $21. there was some much fanfare and coverage of the company itself, and then you had kind of a hate. customers began to criticize the fact adonis' work, frankly, not
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coming out warm enough. the thing that was so wonderful about the krispy kreme down at was that hot, fresh start and that of the oven, but the quality control at the stores was not keeping out. and for what you as a company had wanted. you feel like you moved past that-time in the company's history? >> i really do, and i think you're right. they expect a lot of us and deserve the brand and the product. as a matter of fact, our operations people have done an incredible job along with our marketing people to move us forward these us for five years, and right along the line you just mentioned if we have not developed will recall a small store model where we can bring the full factory experience to the guest and about 22, 2400 sq. ft. which means less capital of fraud, less operating costs, so we just kind of clear that for our franchisees' this quarter. was one of the result of the quarter was important. we are excited and think that increases the number we can have globally by a dramatic number. cheryl: and plenty bring of the fact that your global because
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you're in 21 countries. and you are looking really to expand, especially in india. talk to me about the international plan here. where do you really see the biggest? india, asia? >> india will be big. we just opened in southern and northern india. we opened in moscow on september 12th. that is a 40-store agreement with a wonderful franchisee there. not long after that, mid to late october we will be opening in singapore. you will see as an alleged american country for too long. >> one of the things we have seen this week is these fast-food workers protesting across the country. higher wages. some cities and one double the wages they're making now this movement for wage growth that the fast food restaurants? could that happen? >> we do have 90 something. direct store employees. some of the to reactions that.
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i really do sympathize and understand what they're concerned about. i think, however, that what we are trying to do with our team members is make their -- and rich their lives and keep the above minimum wage and give them opportunities to advance. i think that is probably a better solution than a onetime giant jump. cheryl: are you hiring? >> we are, absolutely. every time we open a new store we hire 40 to 60 people. cheryl: and then next year domestic expansion, do you have a number in mind? >> we do. between now and year-end, four or five more companies stores. a like number of domestic franchisees'. eighteen are 19 international stores open this quarter. probably a little above average, but our goal, to be quite simple, you have 250 domestic stores now.
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we think that will be 400 by january of 17. we have about 550 international. we think that will be 900. cheryl: several hundred jobs being created. and overseas. certainly this is good news. we need jobs. jim morgan, krispy kreme pres., ceo. the key for being on the show. >> my pleasure. cheryl: let's take a look if we can right now. i hate to leave you on a down note. some of the big winners for the month of august on the s&p 500. lauren has that cover, four of the new york stock exchange. so hard when the month of august is down. september might be volatile it is trying to keep our head above water. >> reporter: we will end on a good note. the winners. the s&p 500 best buy is at top performing stock in that dismal month of august, 19 percent, down today. basically of there telling investors that it is not just to show room. best buy is number one. number two is netflix, of
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course. this has been of wall street darling. that too is down today. internet stocks getting hit very hard today. for the month netflix is up more than 16%. there you have it. best buy and netflix, number one and number two for august. cheryl: i still think this whole cbs time-warner dispute, netflix will end up being the big winner >> reporter: especially with their programming. this is the best time for television right now. cheryl: orange is the new black. thank you. it scared. all right. we will see you in a few moments. the closing bell will ring in seven minutes. we are going to take you through the final match of trading for the month of august after a quick break. we will be right back. ♪ you know throughout history,
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cheryl: well it may be a down month for the markets but there is one dow stock, one that is higher for the month of august. it is microsoft the stock is up more than 4%. the move higher coming mostly following the announcement that steve balmer will retire in the next 12 months. there you go. the stock today, 33.31. is down 25 cents. it is a down -day for the dow, s&p and nasdaq. let's bring in david asman right now. david: yeah. unfortunately down day in the market. a fitting end for a down month, a down last day of the month. when you think of what is going on overseas it could be a lot worse but again the market losing a lot of support throughout the afternoon. let's go to lauren simonetti at new york stock exchange. we were watching market two up and down depending whether the secretary of state or president was talking.
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the vix has been up all day, up over 17. when the vix is that high you think the market will be lower than it is right now? >> it is weird when is going on. there is fear in the s&p sectors and how they're trading. you can see it in a vix which hit a high of 17.8. stocks are down, but no this isn't the most significant decline in the broader markets we've seen. cheryl: volatility higher but shares of apache one of the biggest gainers, lauren? >> yep. number two gainer in the s&p 500. apache selling a its stake in a egyptian business because of unrest to china's sinopac. david: david: positive going with the negative month here. came out with figures that blew it away. they're up 12.5% for them. good for them. >> is the number one winner in the s&p 500. we're focusing on the positive.
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they swung to a second quarter and raised their full year numbers. the market always likes when you're optimistic on the year. a huge winner is sales force. cheryl: on at flip side of all this, lauren, we're trying to find decent news here, but one company we follow is electronic arts and that stock actually falling today on big news. what do you have? >> yeah. electronic arts, down about 2% today. down this week by about 4%. nintendo said it is cutting the price of the wii-u videogame console this fall. we're expecting new gaming consoles coming out for the holidays. this is a stock that fell today, this could be a winner as we get into the holidays. david: lauren, generally speaking when you talk to guys, we've been trying to assess the mood what is happening in syria because an attack by the u.s. on syria could happen anytime. if that happens is that already cooked into the market? >> no, it has didn't been cooked into the markets at all. we're also focusing on next week. we get friday's jobs report for
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august. [closing bell ringing] david: this is a big number. >> that is the big one. david: no doubt about it. bells ringing on wall street. kind of a fitting end for a down month today. it is down not in any panicking sort of way at all, considering world events considered a bit after surprise itself. markets regaining some losses, down about 36 points on the dow. s&p down percentagewise. just a touch more. biggest losers on all the indices we cover are small and mid-sized caps. representing by russell 2000. well over 1 1/2%. people, when crises are happening, worldwide crises is there is position that perhaps the small guy will suffer most. the big guys are well-prepared for this sort of thing. cheryl? cheryl: here is a look at your front page headlines. this was the big headline of the day. secretary of state john kerry making a case for limited u.s. military action against syria


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